Movie animated GIF avatars - page 8

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Animated GIF avatars for forums, message boards or twitter, featuring scenes and actors from popular movies or TV shows.

Some of the most popular topics from Movies category: Friends (10x), Breaking Bad (5x), Mad Max (5x), Fight Club (5x), Sucker Punch (4x), Game of Thrones (4x), How I Met Your Mother (4x), Dexter (3x), Batman (3x), V for Vandetta (3x), House MD (3x), Star Wars (3x), Ant-Man (3x), 300 (3x), The Interview (3x), Deadpool (3x), Les Miserables (3x), NIMOY (2x), Doctor Who (2x), The Walking Dead (2x) gifs.

Click on any image, to see all available avatar sizes.